Build quality, Achieve Customer satisfaction To exceed the expectation of our stakeholders and be a significant contributor in Industrial Construction
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RAUAAT AL-ETEHAAD COMPANY Was founded in 2009 the company has developed since inception into a professional construction team providing general and construction services

To a diverse and top tier clients across Iraq. RAUAAT ALETEHAAD COMPANY’s philosophy remains focused on delivering a safe and quality project in the most productive and efficient manner possible.

Find the right general contractor for your renovation or remodeling project

If you’re planning a remodel, addition, upgrade or any construction on your home or business property, contact RAUAAT ALETEHAAD for a free estimate.
Road works
Pipeline construction
Lighting and power
Concrete structures


Our Corporate responsibility is approaching our business aims with awareness of the associated society and environmental implications taking measures to address these in a responsible and sustainable manner

01. Our People

We expect our employees to achieve the highest standards of professionalism in all we do and undertake to treat them fairly, trainings, courtesy and respect they deserve.

02. Health and Safety

We are fully committed to a process of demonstrable, continuous improvement in the pursuit of occupational health and safety excellence.

03. Quality

we believe that general industry and Construction process is an aesthetics art which has to be properly given shape and strive to bring a systematic quality approach to serve our clients
To build quality Construction timely and to achieve highest level of Customer satisfaction, to be the preferred construction

Here’s a look at some of our services. You can learn more about our work in detail



To build quality Construction timely and to achieve highest level of Customer
satisfaction, to be the preferred construction, facilities and associated services
partner for our clients and the benchmark against, which our competitors are

To exceed the expectation of our stakeholders and be a significant contributor in
Industrial Construction

- Safety
- Professionalism
- Respect
- Trust
- Efficiency
- Openness
- Fairness
- Innovation
- Teamwork

Please contact us for a free quotation and tell us more about your project

Thank you for your interest in requesting a work estimate, please fill out the form and we will get back to you shortly.
(+964) 773 402 5630

Tell us a bit about your project and we will match you with the perfect local contractor.

General Manager’s Massage:

We are proud of our history as a company and appreciate our loyal clients who have made our passage from a small 1 crew company to the professional construction team of the qualified personnel we are today. With a fully integrated communication and project management system, approximately half of our yearly volume is derived through repeat clients who have trusted in us to bring value to their investments.